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last update : March, 29th, 2011


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Freedom as Cult. Problems and limits of human liberty in Hegels Philosophy of Right. Würzburg, Königshausen & Neumann, 1996.

Reason and civilization: The link of Hegel's "Phenomenology of Mind" and "Science of Logic". In: Síntese, n. 36, pp. 31-44, 1986.

Kant’s heritage in Hegel’s theory of Right and Morality. In: Síntese Nova Fase, v. 24, n. 77, Belo Horizonte, pp. 163-179, 1997.

Kant and Schelling on Right and Justice: an paradigmatic controversy. In: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Justice. Florianópolis, Insular, pp. 175-196, 1998.

Kant and Schelling on coercion: theory and results. In: Veritas, v. 43, no. 4 (International Symposium on Dialectics), Porto Alegre, pp. 843-871, 1998.

Practical Philosophy and the Unconditional. In: Síntese Nova Fase, v. 26, n. 84, Belo Horizonte, pp. 13-30, 1999.

Substance and subjectivity. Two forms of reconciliation. In: Síntese Nova Fase, v. 27, n. 87, Belo Horizonte, pp. 33-57, 2000.

Freedom, Dialectics and Intelectual Intuition, 19-62. In: Brito, E. and Chang, L (eds.). Philosophy and method. São Paulo, Loyola, 2002.

Philosophy and Absolute from the point of view of young Schelling. In: Oliveira, M. and Almeida, C. (Eds.). The God of the modern philosophers. Vozes, Petrópolis, 2002, pp. 223-239.

The beginning of Schelling’s system of philosophy. In: Domingues, I., Margutti, P. and Duarte, R. (eds.).
Ethics, politics and cultureBelo Horizonte, Ed. UFMG, 2002, pp. 211-228.

Homage to Prof. José Henrique Santos. In: Kriterion, v. XLIV, n. 107, Belo Horizonte, pp. 136-143, 2003.


Synanaĩresthai and Aufheben: some aspects of Plato’s and Hegel’s Dialectic. In: Eidam, H., Hermenau, F. Und Souza, D. (Eds.) Metaphysik und Hermeneutik. Festschrift Hans-Georg Flickinger zum 60. Geburtstag. Kassel, Kassel University Press, 2004, p. 15-34.


Fernando Rey Puente and Leonardo Alves Vieira (Eds.). The philosophies of Schelling. Belo Horizonte, Ed. UFMG, 2005.


The practical philosophy of young Schelling. In: Fernando Rey Puente and Leonardo Alves Vieira (eds.). The philosophies of Schelling. Belo Horizonte, Ed. UFMG, 2005., pp.45-68.


The tradition of perennial philosophy and the challenge of translating the world into concept. In: REVISTA ELETRÔNICA ESTUDOS HEGELIANOS. Revista Semestral da Sociedade Hegel Brasileira – SHB. Ano 2º - N.º 03 Dezembro de 2005.


Radio Program: Logofonia > subject: Kant and the German Idealism at Rádio UFMG Educativa (104.5 fm), on october, 23th, 2006. hear the files of this programm.


Hegel and world history. In:  Veritas. vol. 51, no. 1 (march, 2006): p. 69-83. Text on-line,  here.


Schelling. Rio de Janeiro: Jorge Zahar editor, 2007. ISBN 978-85-7110-976-6.


TV Program: Open Camera from TV UFMG (Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil) on the subject: Truth and Lie, April, 1st, 2007.


Translation of selected passages of Gottlob Ernst Schulze: Aenesidemus oder uber die Fundamente der von dem Herrn Prof. Reinhold in Jena gelieferten Elementar-Philosophie; nebst einer Vertheidigung des Skepticismus gegen die Anmaasungen der Vernunft [Aenesidemus, or on the Foundations of the Elementary Philosophy Propounded in Jena by Prof. Reinhold, including a defense of Skepticism against the pretensions of the Critique of Pure Reason]. In: Neto, José and Popkin, Richard (Ed.) Skepticism, an anthology. New York: Prometheus Book, 2007.


The Spirit according to the Logic of The Observing Reason: Its Positive and Negative conclusions. In: Chagas, Eduardo; Utz, Konrad; Oliveira, James Wilson. Celebration to 200th Anniversay of Publication of Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit. Fortaleza: Edições UFC, 2007, p. 277-297.


The Misfortune of  discourse. Loyola: São Paulo, 2008. Pgs. 144,  ISBN: 9788515035076.

Synanaireĩsthai e Aufheben. Some Features of Plato's and Hegel's Dialectics. In: Kriterion. Revista de Filosofia. V. LI, No. 121, p. 195 – 214, Jan. - Jun, 2010.


 The Development of moral judgement and its Link to Political and Juridical Deeds: An Illustration by Aristotle’s philosophy. In: Síntese - Rev. de Filosofia. V. 37, N. 119 (2010): 309-328







The paper deals with the link connecting Hegel's "Phenomenology of Mind" to his "Science of Logic". On the one hand, the former is a pressuposition (Voraussetzung) of the latter. On the other hand, the Phenomenology is a example (Beispiel) of the Logic. Finally, the underlying question involved in this connection is approached. Key-words: consciousness, logos, civilization.




This boook investigates the mediations that articulates the Sience of Logic and the Groundlines of Philosophy of Right. In its first part the form and matter structure is identified as the dialetic logical ground which the Groundlines of Philosophy of Right are built on. The second part links this logical ground - explained by the Science of Logic - to the world of juridical system, morality, family, economy, politics and history - treated by the Philosopy of Right. Deepening the levels of mediation the proofs of God's existence are referred to the other mediations already investigated, so that a comprehensive interpretation including themes from his Logic, Philosophy of Right, and Philosophy of History can be obtained. Finally, the problems related to these mediations are debated. top


This article is concerned with Kant
s heritage in Hegels theory of right and morality. First, it concerns the common base on which they develop their own theories. Secondly, it shows Hegels criticism of the way Kant connects both spheres, the legal and the moral ones. This criticism is based on the dynamics or movement of the will, which was, according to Hegel, neglected by Kant. Finally, Hegels theoretical alternative is discussed. Key-words: will, morality, right and freedom. top

The article intends to point out that Kant and Schelling have own criteria in order to articulate right and justice. Whereas Kant regards the social contract as a criterion of justice that the juridical system is liable to promote, Schelling interprets the legal system as a machine, whose own dynamism, similar to natural mechanism and free from any arbitrary interventions, assures the social interactions of finite rational beings. Founded on an a priori criterion (Kant) or based on a system operating according to a iron necessity (Schelling), the legal system, in both cases, must have in itself a core of unavailability, that is able to link the respect for the law to the justice by law expressed. Although Kant and Schelling forsake the traditional paradigm of foundation of justice, they defend antagonistic theoretical positions on the subject "justice", so that both philosophers interestingly prefigure contemporary theses. Key-words: right, justice and ethics. top


Starting from a discussion on Kant
s and Schellings theory of coercion, I intend to explain how they prove the possibility of freedom in connection with coercion. By comparing both theories of freedom and coercion, two different forms of conceiving right and morality will be identified. According to Kant, the legal laws are moral laws or laws of freedom, so that there is a mediation between right and morality. Schelling radically opposes Kants thought. Right has its own principles of knowledge and it does not depend on moral imperatives.
On the one hand, this opposition characterizes a controversy within the German Idealism itself, between Hegel, who follows Kant
s view, and Fichte, who agrees with Schellings thesis. On the other hand, this discussion is not confined within bounds of Kants philosophy and German Idealism. By making use of Kants legacy, Habermas criticizes the Weberian interpretation of legitimated power in the modern western societies. According to Weber, the power in these societies is based on the internal and formal rationality of right. On the contrary, Habermas intends to show that the idea of the democratic state owes its legitimacy to a link between right and morality. Key-words: Kant, Schelling, freedom, coercion, Habermas, Weber. top

The modern philosophy’s thought on the praxis deals with the problem of identifying an unconditional criterium that is able to evaluate our moral acts. Kant
s moral law and Schellings absolute Self perform this role. In both Kants and Schellings efforts of articulating moral philosophy and unconditional principle there is already a question that involves the philosophical movements in the nineteenth and twentieth century: what is the starting point of philosophy, the finitude or infinitude? This question and its consequences can be illustrated firstly a) by the criticism that Marx addresses to Hegels understanding of the modern State and sencondly b) by the biological discourses efforts of interpretating the moral experience. Both Schellings and Hegels theories of conciliating the greek and medieval thought, that is base on the infinitude as its principle, with the modern thought, whose foundation is the finitude, still challenges us, for they intend to avoid the unilaterality of these antagonistic philosophical positions. Key words: practical philosophy, Absolute, Kant, Schelling, Hegel and ancient thought. top

The young Schelling defends two forms of reconciling substance and subjectivity. The first one can be regarded as the necessitarian, unconditional recononciliation, since it eliminates the contingency and casualty and promotes an absolute, autothetic activity (I). The second one can be called the deontological, conditional reconciliation, for it coordenates necessity and contingency in the moral experience (II). Finally, these both forms can be linked to Kant
s reflection on freedom. At the same time the validity and boundaries of the transcendental philosophy are discussed (III). Key-words: substance, subjectivity, Unconditional, freedom, necessity, and contingency. top


The meaning of intelectual intuition was strongly influenced by both Kants and Hegels criticisms. Its link to dialectic was predominantly regarded according to Hegels view on Schellings interpretation of the Unconditional. Due to Kants and Hegels remarkable topos in the history of Western philosophy, their reflexion on the context formed by dialectic and intelectual intuition, on the one hand, and liberty, on the other hand, was taken for the final word. Taking a different approach I intend to point out the specific way young Schelling brings about his own thought on this issue. First of all, I will study Kants interpretation of transcendental freedom and the role played by reason and understanding concerning the problem of liberty (I). This first approach builds the base for examining Schellings purpose of deepening Kants transcendental philosophy (II). Finally, young Schellings philosophy will be linked to its roots in Platos philosophy (III). Key-words: freedom, dialectics and intelectual intuition. top


The article deals with Schellings understanding of the Unconditional in the early phase of his philosophy. First of all, the philosphical context in which he develops his thesis as a reconciliation between subject and substance is discussed. Then, I discuss the Unconditional, subjectively interpreted, as unconditional condition of both theoretical and practical reason. Finally, the problem involved in this approach is treated. Key-words: freedom, dialectic and intelectual intuition. Key-words: theoretical reason, practical reason, Unconditional.  top






















The article addresses Schelling’s system of philosophy, i. e., the coordination of philosophy, art e religion, based on the opposition of criticism and dogmatism in his works of the year 1795. It is divided into three parts: a) the origin of philosophy; b) the system of philosophy developed until then and, finally, c) the role to be played by philosophy. Key-words: philosophy, art e religion. top

















Homage to Prof. José Henrique Santos due to his intellectual and administrative contribution to Federal University of Minas Gerais and brazilian philosophical culture. top










First, by using Plato’s, Aristotle’s and Sextus Empiricus’ texts, I explain the meaning of synanaireĩsthai in the context of the dimensions of being and soul’s affections. After that, I proceed then to Hegel’s commentary on Plato’s dialectic. In this part of the text I discuss the meanings of synanaireĩsthai and Aufheben and some differences of Hegel’s and Plato’s dialectic.  top













The book comprehends the conferences of european, south american and brazilian key speakers of the International Schelling Congress held in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, september, 10th- 14th , 2001. Its main concern was to promote a so wide as possible study on several subjects of Schelling’s Philosophy, ranging from practical philosopy to aesthetic, to philosophy of nature, philosophy of freedom, philosohy of mythology and to philosophy of revelation. top   

















The purpose of this article is the investigation on Schelling’s practical philosophy at the very beginning of his philosophy: Morality, Ethics and Science of Law. The practical philosophy is linked to his understanding of philosophy as a whole developed until then. According to this thesis, the first part of the articlie will concentrate on the locus of practical philosophy inside the system of philosophy (I). The second one is dedicated to the problem of moral individuation. It leads to Morality, Ethics and Science of Law, because the moral law produces conflicts whose solution is the task of the Science of Law and Ethics (II). Intertwined with the solution of this task, universal consensus and absolute consensus will be discussed since they display the both ways of solutions of conflicts originated from the societal life (III). Finally, in the the fourth part, the problems resulting from Schelling’s inquiry on practical philosophy will be identified. top













Thinkers of perennial philosophy have been making an effort of translating the world into concept. They take into consideration the source of all beings, from which all dimensions of life and knowledge are explained. Difficulties and problems debated by the perennial philosophy stem from the interpretation on the nature of all being’s source. Therefore, my first task will be a study of the two basic forms of understanding the origin of being: 1) the origin of being has no attributes or qualities (Plotinus and Shamkara) and 2) it is able to receive attributes (Hegel), as well the problems arising from both perspectives will be pointed out. As a consequence of it, I concentrate on Hegel’s alternative on the origin of being in his effort for translating the world into concept. top
















The world history is interpreted according to “Hegel’s Philosophy of right”, §§ 330-360. At the same time the article is linked to Kant’s theory about war and peace. Finally,  Kant’s and Hegel’s theories are investigated by Hobsbawm’s study on international scneario of 20th and 21st centuries. top

















The book is an introduction into Schelling’s philosophy. It goes through the several stations of his thought: philosophy of subjectivity, philosophy of nature, philosophy of identity, philosophy of freedom, philosophy of religion and mithology. It intends to be an accurate and balanced assessment of all the stations of his philosophy. top














The article deals with two chapters of Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit: V.A.b. Observation of Self-Consciousness in Its Purity and Its Relation to External Actuality: Logical and Psychological Laws; V. A. c. Observation of The Relation of Self-Consciousness to Its Immediate Actuality: Physiognomy and Phrenology. It tries to identify Hegel’s main arguments against the reduction of mind to its empirical aspects. The one-sidedness of these theories is criticized by taking into consideration both aspects of mind: its immediacy and mediacy. top













The subject of the “The misfortune of discourse” is the discourse of consciousness on its own experience. It explains the difficulties of consciousness by its attempt for defending its criterium of truth. There is some tension between its claims of truth and result of experience, so that consciousness is forced to go for another station of its development.  My purpose was to cover the whole section (A) Consciousness of the Phenomenology of Spirit (1807) –  involving the chapters: Sense-Certainty, Perception, Force and Understanding –  and it illustrates my subject very well. Before I get into the study of these experiences, I go through the systems of philosophy brought about by Hegel during his stay in Jena, in order to obtain the interconnection between language and consciousness, so that it allows us to undertand it in the three chapters quoted above. top


Abstact: First, by using Plato’s, Aristotle’s and Sextus Empiricus’ texts, I explain the meaning of synanaireĩsthai in the context of the dimensions of being and soul’s affections. After that, I proceed then to Hegel’s commentary on Plato’s dialectic. In this part of the text I discuss the meanings of synanaireĩsthai and Aufheben and some differences of Hegel’s and Plato’s dialectic.top

Abstract: This paper tries to face the subject of moral judgement and its link to political and juridical actions by taking as its guide Aristotle’s philosophy. According to his Metaphysics of form and matter, I investigate Aristotle’s idea of psycho-material constitution of man, as presented in De anima. Based on this idea, “man’s function” is studied within the horizon of Nicomachean Ethics. The moral and intelectual virtues will build man’s moral judgement as he gradually takes possession of his rational soul, the human measure par excellence. Although it is a quality of the soul, the moral deed cannot, however, neglect the corporeal condition of human life. Finally, the Politics deals with the social, political and juridical context (the several forms of constitution and their socio-economical bases) in which the moral life reaches its full unfolding or faces obstacles that deviate it from its rational makeup. top