Miguel Mahfoud e Marina Massimi


Experience: a key term for Psychology
Mauro Martins Amatuzzi

The person as subject of experience: a route in the history of psychological knowledge
Marina Massimi
& Miguel Mahfoud

Experience and intentionality in Husserl’s phenomenology
Carmine Di Martino


Anthropological assumptions of professional ethics
Eduardo Dias Gontijo


Movements of attention: a dialogue with William James
Gustavo Cruz Ferraz & Virgínia Kastrup

Entangled-germinated bodies: the issue body in Foucault and Merleau-Ponty
Fernando de Almeida Silveira

From mother to daughter, the legacy of social exclusion: a study of autobiographical memories
Luciene Miguez–Naiff & Celso Pereira de Sá

Psychology student activism history: reflections about the ENEP (Psychology Students’ National Meeting)
Marcelo Afonso Ribeiro

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 Portugues   ISSN 1676-1669

013 - Nov/2007