Miguel Mahfoud e Marina Massimi


The Thomas Aquinas´s Psychology: the will teleologically guided by the intellect
Cláudio Ivan de Oliveira

The experience of “obedience” in the indipetae
Paulo Roberto de Andrada Pacheco e Marina Massimi


Between the pain and the hope: education for the dialogue in Martin Buber
Kátia Marly Leite Mendonça


Person in action: a way from Stein and Wojtyla elaborations
Yuri Elias Gaspar e Miguel Mahfoud

The Argentine psychology in the middle of the twentieth century: the figure of Luis María Ravagnan
Hugo Klappenbach




Eros silenced
José Euclimar Xavier de Menezes


Self-Awareness, Ethics and Political Society in the Cultural Tradition of the Early Modern Age
Danilo Zardin


The self representation in autobiographical narratives from Brazilian writers
Maria Helena Palma de Oliveira

Torrents of senses: the symbolism of water on the Umbanda context
Marina Rachel Graminha e José Francisco Miguel Henriques Bairrão


University of Minas Gerais Psychology formation and Minas Gerais (Brazil) psychiatric reform process in the sixties, seventies and eighties
Izabel C. Friche Passos, Maria Stella Brandão Goulart, Fernanda Moura Braga, Marcela Alves Abreu e Eduardo Mourão Vasconcelos

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 Portugues   ISSN 1676-1669

017 - Oct/2009