Department of Philosophy
Federal University of Minas Gerais


Home tel and fax: (0-XX-31) 32237105

Caixa Postal 930
30161-970 Belo Horizonte
Minas Gerais


         Lisbon, July  2007                  Fortaleza, May 2013          

 Born April 9, 1948 in Loures (Lisbon), Portugal 
 Portuguese citizen

 Equal rights citizenship in Brazil
 Fluent in Portuguese, French and English
 Proficient in German and Spanish


-- B. A. ["Candidat"] in Political and Social Sciences. Catholic University of Louvain, Leuven, Belgium.

-- M. A. ["Licence"] with High Distinction in Social Sciences. Catholic University of Louvain, Leuven, Belgium.    Master's thesis on the work of Julia Kristeva: 'Sociologie de la littérature', 'Sémiologie', Sémanalyse: Introduction au Texte et sa Science (Advisor: Prof. Dr. Jean Ladrière).

1975 spring semester
-- Graduate study in Philosophy of Science. University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada.
-- Visiting Scholar at Summer Linguistic Institute, University of South Florida, Tampa.

-- Ph.D. ["Docteur"] in Political and Social Sciences. Catholic University of Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. Dissertation: Signe ou Symbole: Introduction à la Théorie Sémiotique de C. S. Peirce(Advisor: Prof. Dr. Jean Ladrière; the other jury members: Professors Dr. Salvador Garcia Bardon, Enrico Carontini, André Berten, Pascale Frognier-Delfosse and Prof. Dr. Jacques Rémy[jury president]).
-- Gulbenkian Foundation Fellowship, 1972-1974.
-- Research at Harvard University (Houghton Library), March 1974

-- Post-doctoral study in Contemporary Philosophy at the Institut Supérieur de Philosophie, Catholic University of Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium (CAPES Scholarship).

-- CNPq (National Center for Scientific and Technological Development) Research Professor Fellowship (Contemporary Philosophy).

-- DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) / CAPES Short-Term Research Scholarship  at the Hannah Arendt Zentrum of Carl von Ossietzky University, in Oldenburg, Germany, December 2001-March 2002.

Professional Appointments

-- Assistant to Prof. Thomas A. Sebeok, organizer and chairman, First North American Colloquium on Semiotics (July 28-30), Tampa, Florida.

-- Research Associate. Research Center for Language and Semiotic Studies, Indiana University, Bloomington.

-- Visiting Professor. Department of Portuguese, Federal University of Paraiba, João Pessoa, Brazil.

-- Visiting Professor. Department of Philosophy, Federal University of Paraiba, João Pessoa, Brazil.

-- Associate Professor ("Professor Adjunto"). Department of Philosophy. Federal University of Paraiba, João Pessoa, Brazil (Advanced from Rank 2 to Rank 4).

-- Associate Professor (Rank 4). Department of Philosophy, Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), Belo Horizonte, Brazil.

-- Research Professor of the Graduate Program in Law, Presidente Antônio Carlos University (UNIPAC), Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais, Brazil.

-- Collaborator Professor of the Graduate Program in Law, Faculty of Law, Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), Brazil.

Professional Activities


Undergraduate courses: Linguistics, Philosophy of Language, History and Philosophy of the Social Sciences, Fundamentals of the Social Sciences, History of Contemporary Philosophy, History of Modern Philosophy, Topics in Political Philosophy, Topics in Modern Philosophy, History of Ancient Greek Philosophy, Topics in Contemporary Philosophy, History of Mediaeval Philosophy.
Graduate courses: Semiotics and Semantics, Psycholinguistics, Generative Transformational Grammar, Semantics of English, Principles of General Linguistics, Philosophy of Language, Hume and Empiricism, Philosophical Approach to the Work of Freud, Cultural Anthropology, Philosophical Hermeneutics, Political Philosophy, Ontology, Political Theory and Analysis, German Idealism, Topics in Social and Political Philosophy, Political Philosophy and Democracy, Philosophical Groundwork of the Interpretation of Law, Argumentation Theory, Law, State, and Practical Reason: Neil MacCormick's Quartet, Questions of Responsibility: Lying in Politics.


* 11+ MA students successfully supervised.

* Supervised MA thesis published as book:
[2000] F. Xarão, Política e Liberdade em Hannah Arendt. Ensaio sobre a reconsideração da vita activa. Ijuí, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, UNIJUÍ Press.

Dissertation and Theses Examination

   Examined 4 PhD, 24 MA theses.

P u b l i c a t i o n s

Books, Book chapters, and Prefaces

-- Un, Deux, Trois: Catégories Fondamentales(One, Two, Three: Fundamental Categories). João Pessoa, Federal University of Paraiba Press [also 1981: Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, Cabay].
-- "Semiótica e Pragmática" (Semiotics and Pragmatics), Anais do Primeiro Colóquio de Semiótica, Rio de Janeiro (PUC) and São Paulo (Loyola), pp. 107-112.

-- Signe ou Symbole. Introduction à la Théorie Sémiotique de C. S. Peirce (Sign or Symbol: Introduction to   the Semiotic Theory of C. S. Peirce). Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, Cabay [Review articles of this publication in Semiotica 39-3/4 (1982), pp. 343-351 and Tijdschrift voor Filosofie 46 (1984), pp. 358-359].

-- "Tempo e Narração: A proposta de Ricoeur" (Time and Narration: About P. Ricoeur),Anais do 1º e  2º Simpósios de Literatura Comparada, Belo Horizonte, Ed. UFMG, pp. 595-604.

-- Crítica e Sistema em Kant. Para uma introdução à Crítica da Razão Pura(Critique and System in Kant. For an introduction to the Critique of Pure Reason). Vila Nova de Cerveira (Portugal), Horizonte das Artes.

-- Filosofia Analítica: De Wittgenstein à Redescoberta da Mente(Analytical Philosophy: From Wittgenstein to the Rediscovery of the Mind). Belo Horizonte, Federal University of Minas Gerais-Faculty of Law Press.

-- "Sobre a Percepção e a Abdução: Charles S. Peirce e a Uberdade da Abdução" (Peirce on Perception and Abduction), in Filosofia Analítica, Pragmatismo e Ciência (Paulo Roberto Margutti Pinto et al., eds.), Belo Horizonte, Federal University of Minas Gerais Press (but with the date 1998), pp. 71-80.

-- "Poesia-Tragédia, Mímesis e Filosofia: Duas Leituras  da Poética de Aristóteles" (Tragedy-Poetry, Mimesis and Philosophy: Two readings of the Aristotle's Poetics), in Mímesis e Expressão(Rodrigo Duarte, Virginia Figueiredo, eds.), Belo Horizonte, Federal University of Minas Gerais Press, pp. 192-205.
-- "A Natureza do Totalitarismo: O que é compreender o totalitarismo?" (The Nature of Totalitarianism: What is understanding totalitarianism?), in As Origens do Totalitarismo: 50 Anos Depois (Odílio Alves Aguiar, ed.), Rio de Janeiro, Relume-Dumará, pp. 47-59.

-- "Hannah Arendt e a desconstrução fenomenológica da atividade de querer" (The phenomenological deconstruction of the activity of willing in Arendt),in Transpondo o Abismo: Hannah Arendt entre a Filosofia e a Política (Adriano Correia, ed.), Rio de Janeiro, Forense Universitária, pp. 10-31.

-- "Foucault e o Nascimento do Hospital Psiquiátrico: Sob o Signo da Exclusão" (Foucault on The Birth of the Asylum as a Sign of Exclusion), in Hospitais Psiquiátricos: Saídas para o Fim (Miriam Nadim Abou-Yd, ed.), Belo Horizonte, Fundação Hospitalar do Estado de Minas Gerais, pp. 36-38.
-- "A idéia de liberalismo político em J. Rawls: Uma concepção política de justiça" (The Idea of Political Liberalism in J. Rawls: A Political Conception of Justice), in Filosofia Política Contemporânea  (Manfredo Oliveira et al., eds.), Petrópolis, Vozes, pp. 251-271.
-- "Compreensão e perdão em Hannah Arendt" (Understanding and Forgiving in Arendt), in Mulheres de palavra (Eliana Yunes, Maria Clara Lucchetti Bingemer, eds.), São Paulo, Loyola, pp. 49-63.

-- "Ação e Violência em Eric Weil e Hannah Arendt" (Action and Violence in Weil and Arendt), in A banalização da violência: A atualidade do pensamento de Hannah Arendt (André Duarte, Christina Lopreato, Marion Brephol de Magalhães, eds.), Rio de Janeiro, Relume Dumará, pp. 135-149.

-- "Da identidade absoluta ao Deus vivo e pessoal: Meras observações para ler o Freiheitsschrift [1809] de Schelling" (From Absolute Identity to a Personal and Living God- Schelling's Freiheitsschrift), in As Filosofias de Schelling (Fernando Rey Puente, Leonardo Alves Vieira, eds.), Belo Horizonte, Federal University of Minas Gerais Press, pp. 169-188.

-- "Ação, Linguagem e Poder: Uma releitura do capítulo V [Action] da obra The Human Condition" (Action, Speech and Power: Rereading Chapter V of The Human Condition, in Hannah Arendt e a condição humana (Adriano Correia, ed.), Salvador (Bahia), Quarteto, pp. 35-74.

-- "O realismo depois da virada lingüístico-pragmática" (Realism after the Linguistic-Pragmatic Turn in Pragmatismos,Pragmáticas e Produção de Subjetividades (Arthur Arruda Benilton Bezerra Jr., Sílvia Tedesco, eds.), Rio de Janeiro, Garamond, pp. 407-431.
-- "Violência e/ou Política" (Violence and/or Politics), in Poder,normalização e violência: incursões foucaultianas para a atualidade(Izabel C. Friche Passos, ed.), Belo Horizonte, Autêntica, pp. 23-40.

-- "Somos do mundo e não apenas no mundo" (We are of the world and not merely in the world), in Hannah Arendt: Entre o Passado e o Futuro(Adriano Correia, Mariangela Nascimento, eds.), Juiz de Fora,Federal University of Juiz de Fora Press, pp. 75-88.
-- "Poder,guerra e violência - mero esboço para uma des-re-construção da política" (Power, war and violence: a mere outline for a de-re-construction of politics), in Constituição e Processo. A resposta do constitucionalismo à banalização do terror (Marcelo Cattoni, Felipe Machado, eds.), Belo Horizonte, Del Rey, pp. 411-424.
-- Filosofia Analítica e Filosofia Politica: A dimensão pública da linguagem (Analytical Philosophy and Political Philosophy: The public dimension of language). Belo Horizonte, Arraes (
-- "Ação e Pensamento em Hannah Arendt"(Arendt on Action and Thinking), in Filosofia do Direito e o Tempo. Cleyson de Moraes Mello and Luciana Maciel Braga (eds.). Juiz de Fora-MG, Editar, pp. 25-30.
-- "O homem, sua loucura e sua verdade - 'Ser justo com Freud" (Man, madness and truth - "We must do justice to Freud") , in Direito e Filosofia. Nuno M. M. S. Coelho and Cleyson de Moraes Mello (eds.). Juiz de Fora-MG, Editar, pp. 55-62.

-- "Foucault e a pintura" (Foucault and painting), in O Direito à Arte. Nuno M. M. S. Coelho and Cleyson de Moraes Mello (eds.). Juiz de Fora-MG, Editar, pp. 75-78.

--"Fenomenologia e hermenêutica: leitura e explicitação da introdução a Sein und Zeit" (Phenomenology and Hermeneutics: Reading Heidegger's Introduction to Sein und Zeit), in Direito, Filosofia, Ética e Linguage. Nuno M. M. S. Coelho and Cleyson de Moraes Mello (eds.). Juiz de Fora-MG, Editar, pp. 57-78.
-- "Derrida on the Death Penalty". Special Workshop Derrida and Law (coordinators: Theresa Calvet de Magalhães and Marcelo Andrade Cattoni de Oliveira), in XXVI World Congress of Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy: Human Rights, Rule of Law and the Contemporary Social Challenge in Complex Societies. Belo Horizonte-MG: Fórum, 2013, pp. 587-588.
-- "O que é uma pessoa? Quem é o sujeito do direito? (Apenas um esboço)" (What is a person? Who is the subject of the law?), in Direito e Pessoa. Nuno M. M. S. Coelho and Cleyson de Moraes Mello (eds.).Juiz de Fora-MG: Editar Press, pp. 33-35.

-- "Imputabilidade, Responsabilidade, Reconhecimento: Da admiração declarada ao anti-hegelianismo de Ricoeur" (Imputability, Responsability, Recognition: Ricoeur's Anti-Hegelianism", in Sobre Responsabilidade>. Denis Coutinho e João Hobuss (orgs.). Pelotas: NEPFIL online, pp. 237-255 (
-- "O processo e a sanção em Ricoeur: a tarefa de dizer o direito e o fracasso da justiça" (The process of the trial and the sanction: the task of declaring the law and the failure of justice), in As Dimensões Sociais, Jurídicas, Políticas e Econômicas do Processo. Nuno M. M. S. Coelho and Cleyson de Moraes Mello (eds.). Juiz de Fora-MG, Editar, pp. 31-38.
-- Preface "Fenomenologia e hermenêutica: leitura e explicitação da Introdução a Sein und Zeit (Phenomenology and Hermeneutics: Reading Heidegger's Introduction to Sein und Zeit), in Cleyson de Moraes Mello, Direito e(m) Verdade (2nd edition). Rio de Janeiro,Freitas Bastos Editora, pp. IX-XXXVII.

-- "Derrida on the Death Penalty", in Proceedings of the XXVI World Congress of Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy of the Internationale Vereinigung für Rechts und Sozialphilosophie. Marcelo Galuppo, Mônica Sette Lopes, Lucas de Alvarenga Gontijo, Karine Salgado, Thomas Bustamaente(Editors). Belo Horizonte/MG: Initia Via, v.1 [E-book],  pp.1013 - 1029.
-- Preface "Dos Usos da Razão Prática: Habermas e Kant" (On the Employments of Practical Reason: Habermas and Kant), in Cleyson de Moraes Mello; Thiago Moreira, Direitos Fundamentais e Dignidade da Pessoa Humana, Rio de Janeiro, Freitas Bastos Editora, pp. IX-XXIV.


-- "Classe Média e Linguagem" (Middlle Class and Language), Ensaios de Opinião (Rio de Janeiro, Paz e Terra) 2+9, pp. 103-105.

-- "Filosofia ou Filosofia da Linguagem" (Philosophy or Philosophy of Language), Revista de Ciências Humanas (João Pessoa, Federal University of Paraiba) 1 (Jan-March), pp. 87-92.
-- "Estrutura Profunda e Estrutura Superficial na Obra de Chomsky" (Deep Structure and Surface Structure in Noam Chomsky), Revista de Ciências Humanas (João Pessoa, Federal University of Paraiba) 2-3 (April-Sept), pp. 149-162.

-- "Aspectos da Filosofia Contemporânea da Linguagem" (Aspects of Contemporary Philosophy of Language),Leopoldianvm(Santos), vol. VIII-23, pp. 83-94.

-- "Método e Linguagem" (Method and Language), Leopoldianvm (Santos), vol. IX-24, pp. 27-38.

--"O ícone não é um primeiro" (The Icon is not a First), Discurso(São Paulo) 14, pp. 91-99, in:
-- "O fenômeno da percepção e a linguagem" (Language and Perception), Leopoldianvm (Santos), vol. X-28, pp. 29-40.
-- "Aquém de Marx" (Beneath and not Beyond Marx), Nova Escrita/Ensaio (São Paulo) 11-12, pp. 261-277.

-- "Pragmatismo e Pragmática: Aspectos da Filosofia Contemporânea da Linguagem" (Pragmatism and Pragmatics: Aspects of Contemporary Philosophy of Language), Filosofia e Epistemologia (Lisbon, Portugal) 5 (Oct.), pp. 181-197.
-- "Un, Deux, Trois: Catégories Fondamentales" (One, Two, Three: Fundamental Categories), Acta Semiotica et Lingvistica (São Paulo) 5, pp. 69-99.

-- "A categoria de trabalho (labor) em H. Arendt" (The Activity of Labor in H. Arendt), Ensaio (São Paulo) 14, pp. 131-168.

-- "Da semiologia à semanálise: Introdução à semiologia de Roland Barthes" (From Semiology to Semanalysis: Introduction to the Semiology of Roland Barthes), Cadernos de Textos (João Pessoa, Federal University of Paraiba) 7, pp. 4-12.
-- "Phénoménologie Transcendentale et Herméneutique" (Transcendental Phenomenology and Hermeneutics), Kriterion (Belo Horizonte) 77, pp. 41-75.
-- "Ação e Poder em H. Arendt e J. Habermas" (Action and Power in H. Arendt and J. Habermas), Ensaio (São Paulo) 15-16, pp. 185-200.

-- "Tempo e Narração: A proposta de uma poética da narração em Ricoeur" (Time and Narration: On a Poetics of Narrative in Ricoeur), Síntese-Nova Fase (Belo Horizonte), vol. XV-39, pp. 25-35.
-- "Da arqueologia do saber ao ensaio filosófico: A problemática de uma ontologia do presente em Foucault" (From the Archeology of Knowledge to the Philosophical Essay: The Ontology of the Present in Foucault), Síntese-Nova Fase (Belo Horizonte), vol. XV-40, pp. 59-83.

-- "Uma problemática política moderna: Luc Ferry e a volta a Fichte" (A modern political question: L. Ferry and the return to Fichte), Síntese-Nova Fase (Belo Horizonte), vol. XVII-45, pp. 61-70.

-- "Fichte e a Revolução Francesa: Individualismo, Direito, Prudência" (Individualism, the Law and Prudence: Fichte and the French Revolution), Síntese-Nova Fase (Belo Horizonte), vol. XVIII-52, pp. 59-72.

-- "A Generosidade como uma Forma de Conhecimento (A moral na filosofia de Descartes)" (Knowledge, Wisdom (Sagesse) and Morals in Descartes), Ética e Filosofia Política (Juiz de Fora), v. 1, n. 1, pp. 7-40.

-- "A Filosofia como Discurso da Modernidade" (Philosophy as a Discourse of Modernity), Ética e Filosofia Política (Juiz de Fora), v. 2, n. 1, pp. 29-64.

-- "Popper Leitor de Kant: Da terceira antinomia ao universo aberto" (Determinism and Freedom: From Kant to Popper), Ética e Filosofia Política (Juiz de Fora), v. 2, n. 2 (Jul/Dec 1997), pp. 7-34.

-- "Estética e Ética em Lévinas: Da realidade e sua sombra à ética como filosofia primeira" (Aesthetics and Ethics in Lévinas: From reality and its shadow to ethics as first philosophy), Ética e Filosofia Política (Juiz de Fora), v. 3, n. 1 (Jan/June 1998), pp. 7-25.
-- "Austin e a Filosofia" (Philosophy of Language: John Austin), Ética e Filosofia Política (Juiz de Fora), v. 4, n. 1  (Jan/June), pp. 7-25.

-- "Estética e Ética em Lévinas" Aesthetics and Ethics in Lévinas), Suma Sinóptica do Colóquio Filosófico II (Belo Horizonte), pp. 42-62.
-- "Da morte à vida, do indivíduo à humanidade" (From death to life, from the individual to humanity), Jornal do Psicólogo (Belo Horizonte), nº 68, p. 11.

-- "A Reflexão de Ricoeur sobre o Justo" (Ricoeur on Justice), Síntese - Revista de Filosofia (Belo Horizonte), V. 29, N. 93, pp. 103-115.

-- "A redenção da ação através das potencialidades da própria ação: Redescobrindo Hannah Arendt" (The redemption of action through the potentialities of action itself: Rediscovering Hannah Arendt), Grifos (Chapecó, Santa Catarina), V. 13, pp. 71-85.
-- "Realism after the Linguistic-Pragmatic Turn", Cognitio- Revista de Filosofia, V.4, N. 2, pp. 211-226. Also in:
-- "A desconstrução fenomenológica da atividade de querer em Arendt" (The phenomenological deconstruction of the activity of willing in Arendt) Síntese - Revista de Filosofia, V. 30. N. 98, pp. 367-384.

-- "
The Frailty of Action. Forgiving and Promising: The redemption of Action through the potentialities of action itself", in:

-- Origens do Pragmaticismo: O "anti-fundacionalismo" de C. S. Peirce e a sua defesa da filosofia crítica do senso comum" (Origins of Pragmaticism: Peirce's "anti-foundationalism" and his defense of critical common-sensism), in:
-- "Origens do Pragmaticismo: O "anti-fundacionalismo" de C. S. Peirce e a sua defesa da filosofia crítica do senso comum" (Origins of Pragmaticism: Peirce's "anti-foundationalism" and his defense of critical common-sensism), Cognitio - Revista de Filosofia, V.7, N. 1, pp. 49-76.
-- "A atividade humana do trabalho [Labor] em Hannah Arendt" (Hannah Arendt and the human activity of labor), Ética e Filosofia Política (Juiz de Fora), V. 9, N. 1 (Junho) - Especial Centenário Hannah Arendt (in:

-- "Os dois caminhos da liberdade em Kant: Ricoeur leitor de Kant" (The two paths of freedom in Kant: Ricoeur as a reader of Kant), Revista da Faculdade Mineira de Direito (Belo Horizonte), v. 10, n. 20, pp. 129-154.

-- "O reconhecimento em Hegel: Leituras de Labarrière" (The concept of recognition in Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit: Labarrière reading Hegel), Revista do Instituto de Hermenêutica Jurídica (Belo Horizonte), N. 7 (Direitos Humanos e Democracia na Era Global), pp. 311-344.

-- Ação, poder, promessa: para uma crítica da soberania" (Action, Power, Promise: Hannah Arendt's critique of sovereignty), Argumentos: Revista de Filosofia (online), v. 9, pp. 23-38 (in:
-- Ação, poder, promessa: para uma crítica da soberania" (Action, Power, Promise: Hannah Arendt's critique of sovereignty), Argumentos - Revista de Filosofia, v. 5, n. 9 (Jan./June 2013), pp. 23-38.
-- "A reflexão de Ricoeur sobre o justo" (Ricoeur on Justice), Revista Interdisciplinar de Direito da Faculdade de Direito de Valença, Ano IX, N. 9, pp. 33-45.
-- "Imputabilidade, Responsabilidade, Reconhecimento: Uma releitura do percurso realizado em Soi-même comme un autre (Imputability, Responsability, Recognition). Rereading Ricoeur's course in Oneself as Anothe, Sapere Aude: Revista de filosofia, V. 4, N. 8 [Dossiê 100 Anos de Paul Ricoeur], pp. 25-37 (

-- "Fichte e a Revolução Francesa" (Fichte and the French Revolution), Revista Interdisciplinar de Direito da Faculdade de Direito de Valença, Ano X, N.10 (October 2013), pp. 83-96.
-- "Poesia-tragédia, mimesis e filosofia" (Tragedy-Poetry, Mimesis and Philosophy), Revista Interdisciplinar de Direito da Faculdade de Direito de Valença, Ano XI, N. XI, p. 55-64.

-- "Fenomenologia e Hermenêutica: Leitura e Explicitação da Introdução a Sein und Zeit" (Phenomenology and Hermeneutics: Reading Heidegger's Introduction to Sein und Zeit). Cadernos da Escola da Magistratura Regional Federal da 2ª Região, V. 9, pp. 157-188.


-- Adam SCHAFF, "O Engajamento do historiador e a natureza objetiva da verdade histórica(The Historian's Partisanship and the Objective Nature of Historical Truth), A União (João Pessoa), April 4.

-- Susan HAACK, "Quanto àquela frase 'estudando com um espírito literário' ..." (As for that phrase 'studying in a literary spirit' ...), International Seminar on Analytical Philosophy and Pragmatism, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 1997], in: Filosofia Analítica, Pragmatismo e Ciência (P. R. Margutti Pinto et al. eds.), Belo Horizonte, Federal University of Minas Gerais Press, 1999 (but with the date 1998), pp. 40-70.

-- Benjamin CONSTANT, "Das reações políticas (Dos princípios)" [Des réactions politiques(Des Principes)], in: Os filósofos e a mentira (Fernando Rey Puente, ed.), Belo Horizonte,  Federal University of Minas Gerais Press, pp. 61-72.
-- I. KANT, "Sobre um pretenso direito de mentir por amor aos homens" [Über ein vermeintes Recht aus Menschenliebe zu lügen] (Co-translator: Fernando Rey Puente), in: Os filósofos e a mentira (Fernando Rey Puente, ed.), Belo Horizonte, Federal University of Minas Gerais Press, pp. 73-83.

-- Th. CALVET DE MAGALHÃES, "O realismo depois da virada lingüístico-pragmática" (Realism after the Linguistic-Pragmatic Turn), in:

Scholarly Activities

- Member, Department of Philosophy Graduate Board, Federal University of Paraiba, João Pessoa, 1981-86.

- Member, Department of Philosophy Graduate Board, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 1986-90.

- Member, Federal University of Minas Gerais Ethics Committee for research involving human subjects, August 2000-June 2005.

- Member, Admission Committee for Candidates to a graduate degree (M. A.) in philosophy, Federal University of Paraiba, João Pessoa: August 1981; March 1983; February 1985.

- Member, Admission Committee for Candidates to a graduate degree (M. A.) in philosophy, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte: November 1986; November 1989.

- Member, Entrance Examination Committee, Candidates for an Instructor ("Professor-Auxiliar") position at the Federal University of Paraiba, João Pessoa (area of specialization: History of Philosophy): December 1981.

- Member, Entrance Examination Committee, Candidates for an Assistant Professor ("Professor Assistente") position at the Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte (area of specialization: Political Science): February-March 1988.

- Member, Entrance Examination Committee, Candidates for an Assistant Professor ("Professor Assistente") position at the Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte (area of specialization: History of Contemporary Philosophy): April 1990.

- Member, Entrance Examination Committee, Candidates for an Assistant and Associate Professor ("Professor  Assistente e Adjunto") position at the State University of Ceará, Fortaleza (area of specialization: Political Philosophy): March 1995.

- Member, Entrance Examination Committee, Candidates for an Associate Professor ("Professor Adjunto") position at the Federal University of Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais (area of specialization: Logic and Philosophy of Science): April 1999.

- Member, Editorial Board, Kriterion (Journal of Philosophy, Department of Philosophy, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte), March 1990-October 1991.

- 2001-present, Member, Advisory Editorial Board of Cognitio (Journal of Philosophy, Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo, São Paulo).

- Ad-hoc Counselor, CNPq (National Center for Scientific and Technological Development), 1990-1993;1995-1996 (area of competence: Philosophy of Language).

- Ad-hoc Counselor, CAPES (MEC - Brasilia): 1998; 2000; 2001; 2002; 2003; 2004; 2005.

Public Lectures, Papers, Panels

-- From Representation to Interpretation: C. S. Peirce's Semiotic Theory. Linguistics Club, Indiana University, Bloomington.

-- "Deep Structure and Surface Structure in Generative Transformational Grammar". Federal University of Ceará, Fortaleza.
-- "A Critical Commentary on the Works of B. Bernstein". First Congress on Socio- and Ethnolinguistics, João Pessoa, Paraiba.
-- "Semiotics and Pragmatics". First Colloquium on Semiotics, Rio de Janeiro.

-- "Pragmatisme et Pragmatique: Contributions de l'oeuvre de Peirce" (Pragmatism and Pragmatics). Catholic University of Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.
-- "Method and Language", Second Week of Philosophy, University of Brasilia, Brasilia.
-- "Aspects of Contemporary Philosophy of Language". Second Week of Philosophy, University of Brasilia, Brasilia.

-- Panel: "Linguistics Theory". Federal University of Maranhão, São Luis.
-- "Language and Perception". Meeting of the psychologists and psychiatrists of the Juliano Moreira Asylum, João Pessoa.

-- "Lucio Colletti's Critique of Dialectical Materialism". Fourth Week of Philosophy of Rio Grande do Norte, Mossoró.

-- "Against the Naturalness of the Sign: Semiology in the Works of Roland Barthes". Ninth National Meeting of Students of Communications, Federal University of Pará, Belém.
-- "Foucault and the Genealogy of Power". M. A. Lectures in Theoretical Studies in the Social Sciences, Federal University of Paraiba, João Pessoa.
-- "From Semiology to Semanalysis: Introduction to the Semiology of Roland Barthes". Group for  Semiotic Studies, Federal University of Paraiba, João Pessoa.
-- "The Concepts of Action and Power in H. Arendt and J. Habermas". Habermas Colloquium, Nova Friburgo, Rio de Janeiro.

-- "From the Archeology of Knowledge to the Philosophical Essay: The Trajectory of a History of Truth  in Foucault". Week of Philosophy and the Human Sciences, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte.
-- "The Problematics of the Human Sciences in the Archeology of Foucault". Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte.
-- "L. Ferry and A. Philonenko: The Return to Fichte". Second National Meeting on Philosophy, University of São Paulo, São Paulo.
-- "Time and Narration: About Paul Ricoeur". Second Symposium on Comparative Literature, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte.

-- "Discourse mechanisms of sexuality in Foucault's History of Sexuality". Palácio das Artes, Belo Horizonte.
-- "Individualism, the Law and Prudence: Fichte and the French Revolution". Colloquium on the Light and Dark Sides of 1789, University of São Paulo, São Paulo.
-- "'Subjectification' and Subjection: Foucault's Critique of Modern Age". Third Week of Philosophy, Federal University of Juiz de Fora, Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais.
-- "Logical Empiricism and Critical Rationalism". Institute of Biological Sciences, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte.

-- "Fichte and the French Revolution". Department of Philosophy, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte.

-- "Power and Politics for Foucault". Ipatinga, Minas Gerais.

-- "A Political Theory: John Rawls' Theory of Justice". Palácio das Artes, Belo Horizonte.
-- "A History of the Present: Michel Foucault's Genealogy". Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte.
-- "Genealogy of Power and the Liberal Conception of an Individual". Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte.
-- "Autonomy and Dependence: Hegel and Nietzsche". Department of Philosophy, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte.
-- "Peirce and the Foundations of Phenomenology". The Psychoanalytical Society of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte.
-- "Peirce against Descartes". The Psychoanalytical Society of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte.

-- "The Critique of Modernity: Heidegger, Arendt, Foucault and Habermas". Center for Philosophical Studies, Belo Horizonte.
-- "The Right to Privacy and the Right to Information: Hannah Arendt on Human Rights". Graduate Library School, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte.
-- "Rationalism, Empiricism and Subjectivity". Social Service Teaching National Meeting, Goiânia, Goias.
-- "The Independence and Dependence of Self-consciousness: Hegel's Dialectic of Recognition". Fifth Week of Philosophy, Catholic University of Goias, Goiânia.

-- "On Alterity: E. Lévinas and P.-J. Labarrière". Department of Philosophy, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte.
-- "From Logical Empiricism to J. Habermas": Lectures on Contemporary Philosophy. Center for Philosophical Studies, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais.
-- "On Selfhood: The Question of Personal Identity". Week of Philosophy, Department of Philosophy, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte.
-- "Spinoza's example of a modal-quantitative infinite and the existence of modes". Department of Mathematics, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte.

-- "The Archeology of Knowledge: An Introduction to the Works of Michel Foucault". Graduate Library School, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte.
-- "Reality and its Shadow: Ethics and Aesthetics for Lévinas". Clóvis Salgado Foundation, Belo Horizonte.
-- Panel: "Philosophical Analysis and Phenomenology". Department of Philosophy, State University of Ceará, Fortaleza.
-- "Philosophy of Language and Politics". Third Cultural Week of the Human Sciences Institute, Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte.
-- "Ethics and Morals". Medical Association of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte.
-- "Madness and Philosophy: 'We must do Freud justice'". First Meeting of the Psychology Department, Santa Maria Mental Home, Belo Horizonte.

-- "Aristotle's foundation of ontology". The Minas Gerais Psychoanalytical Circle, Belo Horizonte.
-- "Power and Subject for Foucault". Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte. -- "First Philosophy or Metaphysics?". The Minas Gerais Psychoanalytical Circle, Belo Horizonte.
-- "The concept of philosophy as wisdom in Aristotle". The Minas Gerais Psychoanalytical Circle, Belo Horizonte.
-- "Aristotle's position: "Being" has several senses". The Minas Gerais Psychoanalytical Circle, Belo Horizonte.
-- "The essential features of Aristotle's pntology". The Minas Gerais Psychoanalytical Circle, Belo Horizonte.
-- "The science of being qua being". The Minas Gerais Psychoanalytical Circle, Belo Horizonte.
-- "Language and Ontology in Aristotle's Categories". The Minas Gerais Psychoanalytical Circle, Belo Horizonte.
-- "Ontology as the theory of ousia in Aristotle". The Minas Gerais Psychoanalytical Circle, Belo Horizonte.
-- "Physics and Metaphysics in Aristotle". The Minas Gerais Psychoanalytical Circle, Belo Horizonte.
-- "The idea of philosophy and the reality of philosophy". The Minas Gerais Psychoanalytical Circle, Belo Horizonte.
-- "The Problem of Aristotle's Ontology". The Minas Gerais Psychoanalytical Circle, Belo Horizonte.
-- "Attestation as an epistemological medium in P. Ricoeur's work Soi-même comme un autre". Graduate School of Philosophy, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte.
-- "The Self and the Other: Passivity as Attestation of Otherness". The Minas Gerais Psychoanalytical Circle, Belo Horizonte.

-- "Phenomenology in Martin Heidegger as a Method". Department of Philosophy, State University of Ceará, Fortaleza.
-- "Ricoeur's search for an ontology". Department of Philosophy, State University of Ceará, Fortaleza.
-- "From Subject to Object: An Introduction to the Work of Michel Serres". National Symposium on Structuralism, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte.
-- "Sound and Meaning - Myth and Meaning: A lecture on Lévi-Strauss". Graduate School of Sociology, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte.
-- "On Foucault's Genealogy of Modernity". Department of Philosophy, Federal University of Espírito Santo, Vitória.
-- "Generosity as a form of knowledge in Descartes". Department of Philosophy, Federal University of Juiz de Fora, Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais.
-- "Peirce's Anticartesianism and the Origin of Pragmatism". Graduate School of Philosophy, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte.

-- "Existenz Philosophy: An Introduction". Department of Philosophy, Federal University of Juiz de Fora, Juiz de Fora.
-- "Knowledge, Wisdom (Sagesse) and Morals in Descartes". Department of Philosophy, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte.
-- "The Problem of Determinism and Freedom (Karl Popper's Solution)". Graduate School of Economics, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte.
-- "Habermas and his critical reading of Popper". Graduate School of Economics, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte.
-- "The Right between the Good and the Legal in Ricoeur". Third Week of Philosophy, Santo Tomás de Aquino Institute, Belo Horizonte.

-- "Philosophy as a Discourse of Modernity". Department of Philosophy, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte.
-- "From Austin to Habermas". Three Conferences on Speech Acts, Faculty of Law, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte.
-- "Peirce on Perception and Abduction". International Seminar on Analytical Philosophy and Pragmatism, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte.
-- "The Traditional Projects of Epistemology: Two Conferences on Epistemology and Philosophy of Science". Department of Economics, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte.

-- "Human Rights for Hannah Arendt". Faculty of Law, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte.
-- "The relations between art, criticism and philosophy in Levinas". Graduate School of Philosophy, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte.
-- "Aesthetics and Ethics in Levinas: From reality and its shadow to ethics as first philosophy". Teatro Marília, Belo Horizonte.
-- "From Subject to Object: The origins of the works of Michel Serres". Graduate School of Social Communication, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte.

-- "Philosophy and Violence for Eric Weil". Department of Philosophy, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte.
-- "The Work of Michel Serres". Graduate School of Social Communication, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte.
-- "Tragedy-Poetry, Mimesis and Philosophy: Two readings of the Aristotle's Poetics". International Colloquium "Mimesis and Expression", Graduate School of Philosophy, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte.
-- "The idea of political liberalism: a political conception of justice in Rawls". Graduate School of Political Science, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte.
-- "Paul Ricoeur on Justice". Seminar on Law and Ethics, Faculty of Law, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte.

-- "The Philosophy of Human Rights". First State Congress on Human Rights, State University of Montes Claros, Montes Claros, Minas Gerais.
-- "Political Justice: Elucidating Rawls and Habermas". Graduate School of Political Science, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte.
-- "Physics and Metaphysics in Descartes". Faculty of Law, Izabela Hendrix Methodist Institute, Belo Horizonte.
-- "Hannah Arendt and the "phenomenological" deconstruction in Willing". Colloquium on Hannah Arendt, Department of Philosophy, State University of Campinas (Unicamp), Campinas.
-- "Habermas's Theory of Communicative Action". Graduate School of Sociology, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte.
-- "The idea of government by law [die Idee des Rechtsstaates] in chapter IV of Faktizität und Geltung". Seminar on Jürgen Habermas's legal theory: Discussing Faktizität und Geltung, Faculty of Law, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte.
-- "Art as an event of the obscuration of being and subjectivity as vulnerability". Second Philosophical Colloquium, Faculty of Philosophy of the Society of Jesus, Belo Horizonte.
-- "Understanding Habermas's distinction between the pragmatic, the ethical and the moral employments of practical reason". International Congress on Discourse Ethics - recent contributions, Graduate School of Philosophy, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte.
-- "From death to life, from the individual to humanity". First Seminar on the ethical and legal implications in nursing practice, CONTEC, Contagem, Minas Gerais.

-- "The Nature of Totalitarianism: What is Understanding Totalitarianism?". National Colloquium on Hannah Arendt: 50 Years of The Origins of Totalitarianism, Federal University of Ceará, Fortaleza.
-- "On Foucault and his work Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison". Graduate School of Social Psychology, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte.
-- "Foucault: The Birth of the Asylum as a Sign of Exclusion". Seminar on Psychiatric Hospitals: Some ways out, Medical Association of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte.
-- "From Absolute Identity to a Personal and Living God".  International Congress: The Philosophies of Schelling, Graduate School of Philosophy, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte.
-- "On the redemption of action in Hannah Arendt". Philosophical Week on Ethics, Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte.
-- "Phenomenology and Politics: From attestation in Soi-même comme un autre to Ricoeur's recent work on justice". Second International Symposium on Phenomenology and Hermeneutics, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre.

-- "The redemption of action through the potentialities of action itself: Rediscovering Hannah Arendt". Philosophy Department, Federal University of Ceará, Fortaleza.
-- "Ricoeur reading Kant: the dialogical moment of the moral norm". First Philosophical Week, Santo Antonio Theological Institute, Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais.
--"Philosophical foundation of totalitarianism". Philosophical Friday, Faculty of Philosophy of the Society of Jesus, Belo Horizonte.
-- "Action and Violence in Eric Weil and Hannah Arendt". International Colloquium: The banality of violence, Graduate School of Philosophy and Graduate School of History, Federal University of Paraná, Curitiba.
-- "Realism after the linguistic-pragmatic turn". 5th International Meeting on Pragmatism, Center for Pragmatism Studies - Graduate School of Philosophy, Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo, São Paulo.

-- "Ricoeur on Kant's formulation of freedom". Colloquium-Homage to Henrique Cláudio Lima Vaz (1921-2002), Graduate School of Philosophy, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte.
-- "Freedom and Responsability in Arendt and Levinas". International Congress Ethics of Finitude: Martin Heidegger, Hannah Arendt and Emmanuel Lévinas, Graduate School of Philosophy, State University of Rio de Janeiro,  Rio de Janeiro.
-- "A genesis of modern individualism".Philosophical Friday, Faculty of Philosophy of the Society of Jesus, Belo Horizonte.
-- "Ideology and Terror: Hannah Arendt and Raymond Aron". School of Social Communication, Faculty of Human Sciences, FUMEC University, Belo Horizonte.
-- "Hermeneutics and the Critique of Ideologies: Paul Ricoeur and Jürgen Habermas". School of Social Communication, Faculty of Human Sciences, FUMEC University, Belo Horizonte.
-- "Myth and Ideology: Roland Barthes and his Mythologies". School of Social Communication, Faculty of Human Sciences, FUMEC University, Belo Horizonte.
-- "War as a principle of analysis of power relations in Foucault". Seminar on Foucault: 20 years of Absence, Psychology Department, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte.
-- "Action, Speech, and Power: Rereading Chapter V of The Human Condition". Colloquium on Hannah Arendt and The Human Condition, Graduate School of Philosophy, Federal University of Bahia, Salvador.

-- "The unity of man as the task of ethics". Second Week of Humanities,
Federal University of Ceará, Fortaleza.
-- Lectures on Ethics and Morality in Paul Ricoeur. Second Week of Humanities, Philosophy Department, Federal University of Ceará, Fortaleza.
-- "The main problem of ethics today: the unity of the human being". Fourth Symposium on ethics of research involving human subjects - First Symposium on ethics of research involving animals, Federal University of Minas Gerais, BeloHorizonte.
-- "Thinking Human Rights Today". Public Conferences on Philosophy and Human Rights, Graduate Program in Philosophy, Federal University of Ceará, Fortaleza.
-- Mind, Language and Society: Lectures on John Searle. Philosophy Department, Federal University of Ceará, Fortaleza.
-- "Ethics and Research: Practical Wisdom for Ricoeur". Second Meeting on Research, Senac University Center - Santo Amaro Campus, São Paulo.

-- "We are of the world and not merely in the wold". Colloquium on Hannah Arendt (1906-2006) "For love of the world", Graduate School of Social Sciences, Graduate School of History, and Group for the Study of Public Space  and Civic Culture, Federal University of Juiz de Fora, Juiz de Fora.
-- "Politics and/or Violence: Politics and citizenship in the context of South Africa". XIII Cycle of Lectures: Geography and Environmental Analysis, Department of Biological Sciences and Health, Uni-BH, Belo Horizonte.
-- The two possible modes of thought in Descartes". XIV Week of Philosophy "Aspects of Modern Philosophy", Cafil-ICH, Department of Philosophy, Federal University of Juiz de Fora, Juiz de Fora.
-- "Skill, Prudence, Morality: The meaning of the notion of duty in Kant" (a mini-course). XIV Week of Philosophy "Aspects of Modern Philosophy", Cafil-ICH, Department of Philosophy, Federal University of Juiz de Fora, Juiz de Fora.
-- "Is the law of earth inherent in thought? Action and Thinking in Hannah Arendt". International Symposium Life as amor mundi : Hannah Arendt between philosophy and politics, University of Brasilia, Brasíla.
-- "Habermas on Popper and Arendt: a critical reading". Graduate Law School, Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte.

-- "Rereading H. Arendt and J. Habermas on Power and Action". Graduate Law School, Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte.
-- "Political Liberalism and Discourse Theory of Law and Democracy: Rawls and Habermas on Practical Reason".Philosophical Week on Justice and Ethics, Department of Philosophy, Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte.
-- "On Power: Hannah Arendt and Michel Foucault". FID 2007, Palácio das Artes, Belo Horizonte.
-- "Violence and/or Politics: Rereading Michel Foucault". Graduate Law School - Faculty of Law, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte.
-- "On Academic Research". Seminar on Research 2007, Graduate School of Dance, Federal University of Bahia, Salvador.
-- "On Ricoeur's critical hermeneutics" (a mini-course). IHJ (Instituto de Hermenêutica Jurídica), Belo Horizonte.

-- "Action, power and promising: Hannah Arendt's critique of sovereignty". XV Week of Philosophy and X Integration Week of the Undergraduate and Graduate Programs in Philosophy (Hannah Arendt: 50 Years of The Human Condition), Philosophy Department and Graduate School of Philosophy, Faculty of Human Sciences and Philosophy, Federal University of Goiás, Goiânia.
-- "Pragmatism and Law: On the Employments of Practical Reason". VI Seminar on Philosophy of Law, Milton Campos Faculty of Law, Belo Horizonte.
-- "On the illocutionary act of promising". XVI Week of Philosophy - Topics of Contemporary Philosophy, Cafil-ICH, Deparment of Philosophy, Federal University of Juiz de Fora, Juiz de Fora (minas Gerais).
-- Foucault reading Kant: Enlightenment [Aufklärung] is the contrary of tolerance". Graduate School of Psychology, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte.
-- "Foucault and Biopolitics" (a mini-course). Philosophy Department, Federal University of Goiás, Goiânia.
-- "Action,power and promising: For a critique of sovereignty". >Colloquium on Law, Violence and Legitimacy, FLANAR - Law, Utopia and Democracy, Faculty of Law, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte.
-- "Power, war and violence: a mere outline for a de-re-construction of politics". II Congress on Constitution and Due process: How Constitutionalism answers the banalization of terrror, IHJ (Instituto de Hermenêutica Jurídica)- Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte.
-- "Political Common-Wealth as an Authorized Actor in Leviathan: Zarka reading Hobbes" (a mini-course). XVII Week of Philosophy - Philosophy in Brazil, CAfil- ICH, Department of Philosophy, Federal University of Juiz de Fora, Juiz de Fora (Minas Gerais).
-- "Hannah Arendt on Revolutions". Seminar on Constitutionalism and Democracy in Revolutions, Faculty of Law, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte.

-- "The idea of public reason in Rawls". International Seminar "A Theory of Justice" 40 years later: Reason, Democracy and Constitution in John Rawls's political and philosophical legacy, Graduate Law School - National Faculty of Law, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro.
-- "Recognition in Hegel: Further Readings". Graduate Law School - Faculty of Law, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte.

-- "Phenomenology and Hermeneutics: Reading again Ricoeur". Graduate Program in Philosophy and Graduate Program in Psycholog, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte.
-- "From Freedom as a cosmological problem to freedom in a poltical sense and freedom as a neurobiological problem". Graduate Law School - Faculty of Law, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte.
-- "Derrida reading Marx". Graduate School- Faculty of Law, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte.

-- "Themes of Contemporary Philosophy: Heidegger, Paul Ricoeur, Analytic Philosophy" (a mini-course). Graduate Program in Philosophy, Federal University of Ceará, Fortaleza.
-- "Law, State and Practical Reason: Neil MacCormick's Quartet". Aula-Magna, Graduate Program in Law, Presidente Antônio Carlos University-UNIPAC, Juiz de Fora (Minas Gerais).
-- "Derrida on the Death Penalty". Special Workshop: Derrida and Law(coordinators: Theresa Calvet de Magalhães and Marcelo Andrade Cattoni de Oliveira), XXVI World Congress of Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy (IVR 2013):Human Rights, Rule of Law and the Contemporary Social Challenges in Complex Societies,ABRAFI, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Pampulha Campus, Belo Horizonte.
-- "Imputability, Responsability, Recognition". III International Congress on Moral and Political Philosophy, Graduate Program in Philosophy, Institute of Philosophy, Sociology and Politics,  Federal University of Pelotas, Pelotas (Rio Grande do Sul).

-- "The idea of public reason in Rawls: Improvisation with Martha Nussbaum". Graduate Program in Law, Faculty of Law, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte
-- "Democracy and Human Dignity". Undergraduate Course in Law, Presidente Antônio Carlos University-UNIPAC, Juiz de Fora (Minas Gerais).
-- "Arendt and Habermas on Power and Law". Graduate Program in Law, Faculty of Law, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte.
-- "Habermas and Dworkin on Law and Democracy". Graduate Program in Law, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte.

-- "Practical Reason, State, and Law - The ultimate aim of Neil MacCormick's quartet'". Seminar on Practical Reason, State, and Law. Nuno Manuel Morgadinho dos Santos Coelho (org.),Ribeirão Preto Law Faculty, State University of São Paulo (USP) Campus, Ribeirão Preto (São Paulo).
-- "Michel Foucault: Discipline and Punish - The Birth of the Prison forty years on". Graduate Program in Law, Faculty of Law, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte

-- "The General Problem of Pure Reason: Rereading Kant". Graduate Program in Law, Faculty of Law, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte.
-- "Transcendental Freedom, Practical Freedom, Political Freedom: Kant's concepts of the will and freedom". Graduate Program in Law, Faculty of Law, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte.