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Ethics of Virtues in Alasdair Macintyre: between Hermeneutics and Tomism

Given by Professor Helder Buenos Aires de Carvalho (Philosophy / UFPI) Date: November 12th, 2010 Time: 2 pm Premises: The Baesse Auditorium FAFICH /...

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What is Rational?

Given by Professor Ernesto Perini (Philosophy / UFMG) Date: October 25th, 2010 Time: 2 pm Premises: The Baesse Auditorium  FAFICH /...

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Rationality of Technological Knowledge

Given by Professor Ricardo Takahashi  (Mathematics  / UFMG) Date: September 9th, 2010 Time: 2 pm Premises: The Bicalho Auditorium  FAFICH /...

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Round table on “Abortion”

Given by Debora Diniz (Anthropology / UnB) and Darlei Dall’Agnol (Philosophy / UFSC) Date: August 17th, 2010 Time: 2 pm Premises:  The Bicalho Auditorium FAFICH /...

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Artificial Lives: Diagnosis of the Present and Uncertainties of the Future in Contemporary Techno-science

Given by Professor Eduardo VianaVargas (Anthropology / UFMG) and YurijCastelfranchi (Sociology / UFMG) Date: June 30th, 2010 Time: 2 pm Premises: Room 2090 FAFICH /...

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